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Datong Publishing Media Co., Ltd. organized training for new employees



2022年6月22日-24日,大同出版傳媒有限公司組織開展了為期三天的新入職員工業務培訓。 培訓採用外請中宣部出版局專家、公司班子成員專項輔導、網絡精品課程與集體討論分享相結合的管道,較為系統地學習了中央檔案精神、國家相關政策法規、編輯出版流程與管理、行銷發行本質、技巧和案例分析,以及ERP系統等專業知識。 其中,主題講座“關於公司管理制度與企業文化建設”的分享,讓員工普遍新增了對公司成立背景、意義、責任與使命的認識,更被“美美與共、天下大同”的企業文化所感染。 通過學習,大家進一步明確了自己的使命任務,凝聚了胸懷“國之大者”“天下大同”的共識。

三天的學習中參訓員工學習狀態飽滿,大家認真做筆記、積極交流學習感受。 培訓結束後,大家一致表示,培訓內容非常受用,今後將努力把學到的知識轉化為工作實績,扎實做好本職工作,為公司更快更好地發展貢獻自己的力量。

From June 22 to 24, 2022, Datong Publishing Media Co., Ltd. organized a three-day business training for new employees. In the training, experts from the Publishing Bureau of the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee and members of the company's team were invited to give special guidance, online quality courses and collective discussion and sharing. They systematically learned the spirit of central documents, relevant national policies and regulations, editing and publishing processes and management, marketing and distribution quality, skills and case analysis, and ERP system and other professional knowledge. Among them, the sharing of the theme lecture "About the company's management system and corporate culture construction" has made employees generally increase their understanding of the company's founding background, significance, responsibility and mission, and has been more affected by the corporate culture of "beauty and common, world wide harmony". Through learning, we further clarified our mission and tasks, and gathered the consensus of "the great nation" and "the great harmony of the world".

During the three-day study, the trainees were in full learning condition, and everyone took notes seriously and actively communicated their learning feelings. After the training, everyone agreed that the training content was very useful. In the future, they will try their best to translate the knowledge they have learned into work performance, do their own work well, and contribute to the faster and better development of the company.
