Press Released
Party masses
Witness the birth of a book -- Grandunity Publishing and Media Co., Ltd. carried out themed Party Day activities










本次主題黨日活動,支部黨員在聲情並茂的講解中深入了解印刷出版歷史,在聲聲機器輪轉中了解尖端科技,在陣陣油墨香中見證書的誕生,本次活動,是黨建工作與業務工作有機融合的進一步探索。羅曼·羅蘭曾經說過:「和書籍生活在一起,永遠不會嘆氣。」 熱愛可抵歲月漫長。未來的大同出版傳媒,必將更加自信自強,守正創新,求真務實,團結奮鬥,為推動集團的高質量發展發揮應有作用。

March 4, 2023, Lingnan rare cold, Shenzhen already heavy traffic, even on weekends, all walks of life are still busy against the clock. In order to further study and implement the Party's 20 spirit, earnestly implement the group's 2023 annual work conference deployment, strengthen the construction of Party members and cadres, improve the construction of the Party organization, the Party branch of Datong Publishing and Media Co., Ltd. went to China Business Joint Printing (Guangdong) Co., Ltd. to hold Party Day activities.

A grand history, a vivid party lesson. In 1897, the Commercial Press was founded, and in 1912, the Zhonghua Book Company was founded. Time emerged, war, a hundred years of history, the two old stores ushered in a new life. 1980 The Commercial Press and China Press merged, and China Commercial Associated Printing (Hong Kong) Co., LTD was incorporated in Hong Kong. One hundred years of wind and rain, witness the phoenix nirvana. A vivid story emerged in front of the eyes, a period of grand history echoed in the ear, all the Party members present for the shock, everyone said that they would not forget the original intention, remember the mission, but also for today's good life feel very cherish, to bear in mind the great country, work hard.

A professional sharing, a heart-to-heart. The two sides held a group discussion in Training Room No.1 on the third floor of the Training Center. Both sides look forward to further cooperation. Then, Mr. Tang Dongfang, Mr. Ma Guangcheng and Mr. Zhang Xiaohui from China Commerce Guangdong Company shared their technical questions on digital, document, color and so on. Every technological innovation brings new impetus to the inheritance of knowledge. The development and application of each advanced technology in the industry are refreshing the publishers' understanding of printing in the new era. Through learning and communication, colleagues have a deeper understanding of the history of the printing and publishing industry, and also praised the development and application of advanced technology in printing.

A journey of printing, a promise of scientific innovation. Colleagues walk into the workshop, from printing to binding, to witness the birth of a book. The birth of every book has its own story. Whether it is the professional of the digital science and innovation center, or the atmosphere of the boutique room, all reflect the intentions of the publisher and printer for each book. Maybe books are not as quick as consumer goods, but as long as a good book is passed to readers, one day, a good book will grow into a tree. When readers are confused and depressed, I hope books can support them and choose a path that is close to the brightest things in the mind. This trip to print, for the present colleagues to open a new vision. Colleagues expressed their willingness to contribute their wisdom to the creative transformation and innovative development of Chinese traditional culture.

The theme of the Party Day activities, the party members in the sound and emotional explanation of in-depth understanding of the history of printing and publishing, in the sound machine rotation to understand cutting-edge technology, in bursts of ink incense to see the birth of the certificate, this activity, is the organic integration of the party building work and business work further exploration. Romain Rolland once said: "Living with books, never sigh." Love is worth the years. In the future, Datong Publishing and Media will be more confident and self-reliant, honest and innovative, truth-seeking and pragmatic, and work hard together to play its due role in promoting the high-quality development of the Group.
